CAPALC Affiliation Briefing Pack Feb 21 (PDF, 3.3 Mb)
February 2021 Dear Council Chairman and Councillors, Please find enclosed a membership renewal invitation for 2021-2022. As explained and agreed at the AGM we have increased the fees by an average of 3% to help meet increased costs; the increase is considerably less than the 11% I forecast last year. We have significantly increased the range and amount of training we are providing which has generated extra income. We have also taken steps to improve our efficiency, such as the online course booking, which I hope you will see in improved quality of service and responsiveness. We have also included a leaflet explaining the range of services provided by CAPALC and the National Association of Local Councils (NALC). We will be changing the passwords for member access to the CAPALC and NALC websites on 1 July 2021. We will advise members of the new passwords on renewal.
Last updated: Tue, 23 Feb 2021 12:37